• Continuous Integration in Munich

    Hardy Erlinger, the head of .NET Developers Group München, has just confirmed my session in Munich, Germany. I will be speaking about Continuous Integration in .NET at January 17th. The meeting will take place probably as usual in Firma TESIS at Baierbrunner Str. 15, 81379 München. Start 18:00. Details will be available at the group website www.munichdot.net. Acha, the talk will be in German!

  • More on "Continuous Integration in .NET"

    I’ve recently got the sales report from Manning about my book “Continuous Integration in .NET”. I’m very happy to report it sells quite well! And speaking about the book. My friend Mateusz Łoskot send me an excerpt from the ACCU discussion board discussing my book. Here it is: > Interesting you mention the Manning books on Dependency Injection and Continuous Integration… is there really a whole books-worth of stuff in each of those topics?? If you are in the .NET world then then ‘Continuous Integration in .NET’ is really worth the time invested. It covers most of commonly used tools (CC.NET, MSBuild & Team System, TeamCity). Goes over integration of…