• .NET Developer Days 2014 Conference

    I will be speaking at .NET Developer Days 2014 in Wrocław, Poland. The conference will be held between 14th and 16th October 2014 at the City Stadium in Wrocław. The topic is “Continuous integration and deployment in .NET with Jenkins CI and Octopus Deploy”. Here is the conference website: http://developerdays.pl/.

  • Software decay

    At my company CODEFUSION we are working with bigger and bigger customers. We are getting hit by terms that were little known to us until now. Last time we did get a contract to sign with a term (literal translation from Polish) software “illness”. The word illness was in quotation marks. The term was new for me, so I started to dig. It turned out that what was meant here was probably “software decay” (called also software rot, code rot, bit rot, software erosion or software entropy). It was something we all software developers are fighting with. Sometimes without knowing it has a name. Software does not change, bits don’t…