C# 3.0 – .NET Framework ?

SDJ 10 2007I’ve written an article about C# 3.0 for a polish programmers magazine Software Developer’s Journal. That’s not my first article but the first one to hit the cover and by the issue lead. Great, right? Well I’m afraid not! Why? Because of embarrassing mistake on the cover:

C# 3.0 has nothing to do with .NET Framework 3.0. The new C# version will by introduced with .NET Framework 3.0 that comes with new Visual Studio 2008. The third version of framework is essentially the same with the second but enriched with a bunch of foundations (WPF, WCF, WWF). This information appears in the first paragraph of my text!

I’ll ask the editorial office to consult the cover with my the nest time. I’ll spare myself the shame.

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